Diabetes & Nutrition Counseling
Diabetes can affect women, men and children. There are several risk factors that can increase your chances of developing diabetes including having a parent or sibling with diabetes, being overweight, being inactive, having a history of gestational diabetes, aging, and being a member of certain ethnic groups, including African American, Hispanic/Latino, American Indian, Asian American, and Pacific Islander. The warning signs are not always obvious and many people with diabetes go undiagnosed. Some of the warning signs of diabetes include:
Excessive thirst.
Increase in appetite.
Frequent urination.
There are ways to manage your diabetes which include diet and activity. Therapy may also include oral medications or insulin along with stress management. Your family physician can make an accurate diagnosis and help you determine what type of treatment you may need.
Huron Medical Center provides classes and tools to aid in the learning and management of the disease. By attending our diabetes self-management education classes, taught by both a registered nurse (RN) and a registered dietitian (RD), you will:
Meet individually with an RN to discuss the diabetes issues specific to you. This includes developing a plan that is customized to your needs.
Receive instruction that includes basic understanding of diabetes; how to monitor, managing blood glucose patterns; preventing complications; basic carbohydrate counting, understanding how to balance diet, activity, medications, and stress; managing hypoglycemia; and much more.
Receive a meal plan and instruction from a registered dietitian.
Receive information on our group classes designed to provide patients and families quality support, knowledge and technical skills needed to successfully self-manage their diabetes and develop a healthy lifestyle.
Huron Medical Center's Diabetes Self-Management Program is certified by the Michigan Department of Community Health and recognized by the American Diabetes Association (ADA) for quality self-management education.
Services Provided
Diabetes Self-Management Training
Individual and group setting (Physician order required)
A covered benefit of Medicare and/or Medicaid
Oral and Injectable Medication Instruction and Education
Glucometer training
Basic/advanced carbohydrate counting
Annual follow-up education and support
Customized, on-site school or other group diabetes training sessions
Opportunity to receive scholarship funds for services, if qualified
Program Cost
Medicare, Medicaid and many other insurance companies participate.
Scholarship Program
Huron Medical Center strives for all patients to have equal access to Diabetes Education. A scholarship fund has been established to assist those who qualify. Certain financial criteria must be met in order to qualify for scholarship coverage. If you meet the criteria, your bill will be covered by our scholarship fund.
Monday through Thursday from 6:00 am to 2:30 pm
Contact Us
Diabetes Education Program
Diabetes Program Coordinator
Free Pre-Diabetes Education
Nearly 26 million children and adults in the United States have diabetes and 79 million people are considered pre-diabetic - more than triple the number of diabetics.
People with pre-diabetes have a blood sugar level higher than normal, but not high enough for a diagnosis of diabetes; and are at higher risk for developing type 2 diabetes and other serious health problems, including heart disease or stroke. Without lifestyle changes to improve health, 15% to 30% of people with pre-diabetes will develop type 2 diabetes within five years.
The good news is, type 2 diabetes can be delayed and even prevented with healthier habits during the pre-diabetes stage.